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Version: Laravel: 5.x (current)

Migrating to v5

Welcome to Scribe v5.👋 This guide will help you migrate from v4. There are a few breaking changes, but you should be done in less than 10 minutes.


Scribe v5 requires PHP 8.1+ and Laravel 9+. If you're on an older version, you'll need to upgrade.


Upgrade the package version (knuckleswtf/scribe) in your composer.json to ^5.0 and then install:

composer update knuckleswtf/scribe

Config file changes​

  • Lumen is no longer supported. Lumen is effectively dead and rarely used, and it only added a maintenance burden. Remove the Strategies\UrlParameters\GetFromLumenAPI::class from your config file, if present.

  • Dingo is no longer supported. It was rarely used and only created maintenance complexity. Remove the versions key from your config file, if present.

  • The "override" strategy (introduced in v4.28) has been renamed. If you previously had an "override" strategy, replace it with the StaticData strategy:

    'headers' => [
    'Some-Custom-Header' => 'value',
  • Support for the routes.*.apply configs (notably routes.0.apply.headers and routes.0.apply.response_calls) has been removed.

    • Remove the Strategies\Headers\GetFromRouteRules::class, if present.
    • If you previously were using routes.0.apply.headers, replace it with StaticData::withSettings(...) in strategies.headers:
    'routes' => [
    'match' => [...],
    'apply' => [
    'headers' => [
    'Some-Custom-Header' => 'value',
    • If you previously were using routes.0.apply.response_calls, replace it with ResponseCalls::withSettings(...) in strategies.responseCalls. Note that methods has been replaced by only, which supports better wildcards (method + URL).

      'routes' => [
      'match' => [...],
      'apply' => [
      'response_calls' => [
      'methods' => ['GET'],
      'bodyParams' => [
      'go' => 'there'

Plugin API​

  • The $routeRules parameter of __invoke has been renamed to $settings. Additionally, it now contains the settings specified for this strategy, not the routes.*.apply rules.
    • Note that the only and except settings are evaluated before the strategy is called, so you don't need to write any custom code to support that.


  • type is now laravel by default. The static versions are good for local dev, but rarely work well without additional config. It makes sense to include your docs in your Laravel app.
  • The try_it_out.base_url will now default to the display URL base_url if unset. This way, your docs and the API tester will be showing the same URLs by default.

Other new features​

New config helpers​

To streamline the config file and make it easier to follow package updates, we've added some new constants and helpers. Here's a demonstration of them in action:

use Knuckles\Scribe\Config\Defaults;
use function Knuckles\Scribe\Config\{removeStrategies, configureStrategy};

'strategies' => [
'metadata' => [
// I want to use the defaults
'headers' => [
// I want the defaults, except for some.
'urlParameters' => [
// I want the defaults, plus my own strategy.
'queryParameters' => [
// I want the defaults, plus my own strategy, but only on some endpoints
// `wrapWithSettings` works on any strategy, inbuilt or custom
only: ['POST /cool/*'],
'bodyParameters' => [
// I want the defaults, plus my own strategy, but excluding some endpoints
except: ['POST /uncool'],
// I want the defaults, but I need to adjust the settings on one of them
'responses' => configureStrategy(
only: ['GET *'],
config: [
'app.debug' => false,
'responseFields' => [

If you installed Scribe as a dev-only dependency, you may encounter errors in production, since the new config references some Scribe classes and methods. To avoid this, you can either:

  • add Scribe to your require (rather than require-dev), or
  • inline the above constants and methods:
    • replace Defaults::*_STRATEGIES with the actual values
    • replace wrapWithSettings and withSettings calls with a tuple of [strategyName, settingsArray]; for instance, the following are equivalent:
      Strategies\StaticData::withSettings(data: [
      'Accept' => 'application/json',

      'data' => ['Accept' => 'application/json']

To disable response calls for all routes, set

only: [], except: ['*'],

More configurable OpenAPI generation​

Thanks to a new composable system, there are now more options to hook into the OpenAPI generation process. With "generators", you can override the generation of specific parts of the OpenAPI spec.

For example, to add a parameter to the components section, create a generator:

class ComponentsOpenApiGenerator extends OpenApiGenerator
public function root(array $root, array $groupedEndpoints): array
$parameters = Arr::get($root, 'components.parameters', []);
$parameters = array_merge($parameters, [
'slugParam' => [
'in' => 'path',
'name' => 'slug',
'description' => 'The slug of the organization.',
'example' => 'acme-corp',
'required' => true,
'schema' => [
'type' => 'string',
$root['components']['parameters'] = $parameters;

return $root;

public function pathParameters(array $parameters, array $endpoints, array $urlParameters): array
$parameters['slug'] = ['$ref' => "#/components/parameters/slugParam"];

return $parameters;

and then register it in the openapi config:

'openapi' => [
'generators' => [

A better use case might be configuring OpenAPI-specific behaviours like the security section or adding vendor extensions (such as Scalar's). This can be very helpful if you use one of the external_* documentation types.