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Version: Node.js: 2.x (unmaintained)

Contributing to Scribe


Please read this guide before sending in your contribution! There aren't many rules, just a few guidelines to help everyone.😄


  • Don't submit sloppy work.
  • Don't be a dick. You don't have to be friendly or nice, but please be respectful of other contributors.
  • Focus on the contribution, not the contributor.
  • Remember that people have other things to deal with in their lives, so don't expect others to respond to your PRs, issues or questions immediately.


  • If you want to make a code change, but you don't understand Scribe well enough, check out How Scribe Works doc.
  • Before making a code change, look through open pull requests to see if there's one for the feature/fix already.
  • Don't forget to update the documentation if your contribution changes some user-facing behaviour.
  • Run all tests npm test before you modify any code. That way, if the tests fail later, you'll know it was (probably) due to something you added.
  • If you change something, add tests. If you don't know how, go ahead and open a PR and ask for help.
  • If your contribution changes how the generated documentation looks, please include "before" and "after" screenshots in your pull request. This will help the maintainers easily see the changes.

Updating documentation​

Documentation is powered by Docusaurus and lives as Markdown files in the knuckleswtf/scribe-docs repository. There are two folders, laravel and nodejs. You can also just click on Edit this page at the bottom of any page to go directly to the page in the repo. Follow the README in the docs repo for a guide on editing the docs.


The rest of this document is only important if you're making code changes.

Installing dependencies​

The packages for the different supported frameworks are located in the same repository. The core package is at the root, while the framework-specific versions are in /frameworks.

To install dependencies for all, run npm i as normal. This will install dependencies for the root package and then run npm prepare, which will install dependencies for the framework versions.

Local development​

If you need a project to test the generated doc output on, you can use this (Express). Change the path for @knuckleswtf/scribe-express in the dependencies section of the package.json to point to your local clone of Scribe, then run npm i.

The core Node.js package is written in TypeScript, while the framework versions are written in regular JavaScript. This means that you'll have to run tsc after editing the core files (or tsc --watch).

Running tests​

  • To run unit tests (written with Jest): npm run test:unit
  • To run feature tests (written with Jasmine): npm run test:feature
  • To run all tests (unit and feature): npm test

Writing tests​

Tests are located in the test/ folder.

Feature tests are written in Jasmine, and go in test/feature folder. The feature tests test the framework versions of the package within the context of an application (Express/Restify).

Unit tests go in all other folders within test/, and are written in Jest. The Jest configuration is located in the jest section of the package.json.

When adding tests, avoid making assertions on the generated HTML output. It's a very unreliable testing approach. Instead, assert on structured, consistent data like the parsed route output and Postman collection.

Making pull requests​

Add a short description to your PR, so the reviewer knows what to look out for before looking through your changes. If you're fixing a bug, include a description of its behaviour and how your fix resolves it. If you're adding a feature, explain what it is and why.

If the PR is a simple one, you can omit the description (but don't forget to use a descriptive title).